• Japan food analysis and biotechnology company
  • Dependable GMO testing service provider
    based on Japan National Standard
  • Provide GMO testing based on JAPAN National Standard


  • 2016/10/07
    UPDATE: Custom oligonucleotide synthesis and modification service Information on chemical structure of FASMAC oligonucleotide synthesis and modificati... Show more
  • 2016/10/07
    UPDATE: English version website for Seed and Seediling Test services.
    Please check it here.
  • 2016/03/29
    FASMAC has engaged in ISO-9001, ISO-17025, and ISTA seed accreditation allowing the company to expand its domestic business and overseas. FASMAC is no... Show more
  • Upcoming events
    2016/05/11 Biotec Japan 2016 15th International Bio Technology Exhibition and Conference BIOtech Japan 2016 is a comprehensive bio event, consisting o... Show more
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